Use Azure Active Directory (AAD) to connect to Azure SQL DB

Jake Waro
2 min readJun 5, 2022
Photo by Brett Sayles:

So you’re moving to (or starting with… good for you!) Azure Active Directory for your connection to an Azure SQL database. I just did the same thing, and… it wasn’t the most straight-forward process. In my scenario, I was using an Azure Data Factory to copy data from another database into my Azure SQL db.

Using an app (or user/identity) to connect to some Azure resource is usually all about making sure it has permissions on the resource itself. My first idea was that I’d head over to my SQL Server resource and add role permissions for my app. But this isn’t strictly necessary. Largely, you just need to set up permissions within the database itself, and then worry about setting up your app’s AAD connection via the means you want to connect (e.g. via ADF, you’ll need to create an Azure SQL AAD connection, but that’s specific to where/how you’re authenticating your app).

To get your AAD app the proper permissions it needs, there are two things to do:

  1. Add your app as a user on the database
  2. Grant your app the corresponding SQL permissions as needed

Adding your AAD App as a User in the Database

  1. On your SQL database page, select the Query Editor tab on the left panel
Azure SQL Query Editor

2. Sign in to your database

3. In query editor, run the following command, replacing <your-app-name> with the name of your AAD app.

Azure SQL Query Editor

4. Your AAD app is now a recognized user in the database.

Granting permissions to your App

  1. In the query editor, you can assign permissions as needed for your app using this structure (SQL permissions can be found here)
GRANT <permission> ON [dbo].[<your-table-name>] TO [<your-app-name>];

For example, if I wanted my app (JW-Motors-App) to have permissions to INSERT into my Sales table.

That’s it. Moving forward, you can just modify permissions in SQL fashion for your AAD app.



Jake Waro

I'm a largely self-taught programmer now working as a software engineer. This is a challenging industry, and I’m hoping to make some complex concepts simpler.